As a progressive and growing engineering and automation company, CME recognises the need to not only retain valuable skilled staff, but also to use a comprehensive apprenticeship programme to train and develop the next generation of engineers and support staff who will secure the future of the business. CME currently has four apprentices in various stages of training and within a range of disciplines.
James Woodhouse is one of these apprentices, who has been with the company now for two and a half years. For the first two years James trained as an Engineering apprentice, attaining a Level 3 qualification in Mechanical Maintenance before moving to his current department – Logistics and Supply Chain – where he is working towards a Level 3 qualification in Business & Administration.
James has always had an interest in engineering and is gaining experience in a wide range of skills and disciplines. In his current position James is assisting with the company’s CRM system, and also contacting and working with suppliers, progress chasing and working in stores.

Looking to the future, and on completion of his apprenticeship, James would like to continue his career with CME and remain within the Logistics and Supply chain arena.
Wayne Legg, CME’s Head of Supply Chain commented “James is a highly motivated and impressive apprentice who continues to show initiative and is always keen to complete the tasks set for him to a high standard. The plans we have in place for the remainder of his apprenticeship will allow him to further develop across the business including exports, procurement, planning, quality and spares. On completion of his training, I have every confidence James will make an excellent supply chain professional.”